Patient Testimonials
I cannot say enough good
things about my
experience with Dr.
Frankwick. She delivered
my first child by
emergency c/s in 2008
after a very difficult labor.
She knew it was not the
birthing outcome I had
hoped for, and could see
that I was scared. She
ordered all of the nurses
to stop their bustling
around, and pulled up a
chair next to me. She
asked me what I was the
most afraid of, and talked
with me for almost a half
hour, answering my
questions and calming my
fears before we headed to
the OR.
Frankwick was
a huge emotional support
during my two
miscarriages that followed
my '08 birth. Her
compassion and level
headed approach to the
situation were a lifeline for
me during that difficult
time. I gave birth to my
second child in 2013 at
36.5 weeks, via drug free
vbac. The pregnancy itself
was slightly high risk due
to a cervical polyp that Dr.
Frankwick successfully
removed in my 2nd
trimester. She was
wonderful about calling
me back in person
whenever I had a
question or concern
throughout my pregnancy.
She was entirely
supportive of an
attempted vbac, or a
scheduled cesarean
delivery. I appreciated
that she did not force me
into one option over
another, that she simply
discussed the pros and
cons of each, and
empowered me to make
the decision that felt right
for me. One of the nurses
that I met while my son
was in the special care
nursery told me that she
Frankwick to
be one of the most
intelligent OB's on staff at
NW Hospital. I completely
agree with that statement,
and feel blessed to have
been under her care. I
trust her completely, and
am so thankful for the
emotional and physical
support that I received
from her throughout my

Dr. Vu is an amazing doctor. I say this with such gratitude, after having my two beautiful children with the assistance of her prenatal and emotional care. My daughter, an uncomplicated pregnancy and vaginal delivery, is perfect. My son, with whom I had Placenta Previa and an emergency c-section, is also perfect. Not many people have such a rounded experience, and there is no one I would trust more than Dr. Vu to get me through it all. She truly captures everything a doctor should be. She goes above and beyond. Like I said, she is amazing!
I am a new mom, my baby girl was born on december 10, she is cute and in perfect health, my doctor is Dr. Ali Lewis, I don't think I can say enough about this doctor, she is so caring so gentle and she knows what she is doing, Dr Lewis was calm, confident, caring, and did an awesome job and I m so blessed that I chose her, thank you Dr.
I would highly recommend Dr. Salerno as a physician. She is kind, caring and always takes time to connect with me on a personal level before she taking care of my medical needs and that is not always easy to find. :)
I am a patient of Dr. Rodrigues and I would
highly recommend her. She is personable,
professional and provides her patients a very clear
sense of understanding. Her in-depth knowledge and
clear communication provides an excellent level of
care that is crucial to a patient's well-being.
I would like to say how wonderful Dr. Rodrigues has been to me throughout my medical treatment. She is methodical in developing a treatment plan and carrying it out successfully. I would highly recommend Dr. Rodrigues you will love her!