In today's challenging and somewhat frustrating insurance environment, understanding your insurance coverage is key to avoiding unwanted medical bills. Becoming familiar with the requirements of your policy is vital. Many insurance carriers require prior authorization for surgeries, office procedures and birth control devices. Some restrict which outside services can be utilized for laboratory and x-ray services. If you don't comply with the requirements of your insurance carrier, you will be held personally responsible for any fees incurred. We at Meridian Women's Health are committed to assisting our patients with their insurance needs. Below you will find a list of health plans we accept and web links for your convenience. We have an onsite insurance coordinator available to assist you with any insurance issues.
Patient's Without Insurance Coverage:
If you do not have insurance coverage or are on a non-contracted plan, we require that all office visits, elective procedures, medications and birth control devices be paid at the time of service. If you're not certain whether your plan is accepted, please click here. For your convenience we accept cash, personal checks and Visa/Master card. |